Thank you for your Kayak Rental!
If you’re having trouble finding us please check out this guide first How To Find Northshore Watersport Rentals

Once you’ve arrived, you should notice a keypad system to the left of one of the doors.

The code that was emailed to you needs to be put into this keypad to unlock the doors.

For your Kayak rental you’ll need three things, the Kayak, a Paddle, and a Life Jacket (anyone 12 or under MUST WEAR the life jacket, if you’re older you do not have to wear the life jacket, but it MUST be on the kayak while you’re on the water)

Additionally, if you’re doing a nighttime rental you’ll need lights, white in the front and red or green in the back. You can find the lights on top of the lockers in the corner of the room. Please return them when you’re done.

In the room you’ll see a red rolling cart, if you’re unable to carry your rental please use the rolling cart. Go past the steps when using the rolling cart, it’ll lead you to the lake. Always return the rolling cart into the room BEFORE heading onto the water.
Please obey all rules of the lake, if you have any questions feel free to give me a call and I’ll do my best to answer them. Please return all your equipment where you found it. Thank you again for your rental. Have fun!